Source code for emf.analysis3d.phase3d

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from math import pi
from ..base import _BasePhase

__all__ = ['Phase3D']

[docs]class Phase3D(_BasePhase): """ A class representing a transmission line phase. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the phase. x1, x2 : array The (x, y, z) coordinates of the beginning and end of the segment. diameter : float The diameter of the wire. voltage : float The phase voltage. current : float The current in the phase. phase_angle : float The phase angle. num_wires : int The number of wires in the bundle. spacing : float The bundle spacing. ph_type : {'ac3', 'dc'} The phase type. Use 'ac3' for 3-phase alternating current and 'dc' for direct current. in_deg : bool Specify True if input phase angle is in degrees; False if angle is in radians. """ def __init__(self, name, x1, x2, diameter, voltage, current, phase_angle, num_wires=1, spacing=0, ph_type='ac3', in_deg=True): super(Phase3D, self).__init__( name=name, diameter=diameter, voltage=voltage, current=current, phase_angle=phase_angle, num_wires=num_wires, spacing=spacing, ph_type=ph_type, in_deg=in_deg ) self.x1 = np.asarray(x1) self.x2 = np.asarray(x2) def __repr__(self): s = [ ('name',, ('x1', self.x1), ('x2', self.x2), ('diameter', self.diameter), ('voltage', self.voltage), ('current', self.current), ('phase_angle', self.phase_angle), ('num_wires', self.num_wires), ('spacing', self.spacing), ('ph_type', self.ph_type), ('in_deg', self.in_deg) ] s = ', '.join('{}={!r}'.format(x, y) for x, y in s) return '{}({})'.format(type(self).__name__, s)
[docs] @classmethod def from_points(cls, name, points, diameter, voltage, current, phase_angle, num_wires=1, spacing=0, ph_type='ac3', in_deg=True): """ Returns a list of phases constructed from a list of points. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the phase. points : array An array of (x, y, z) points for which phases will be constructed. The array should be of shape (N, 3). diameter : float The diameter of the wire. voltage : float The phase voltage. current : float The current in the phase. phase_angle : float The phase angle. num_wires : int The number of wires in the bundle. spacing : float The bundle spacing. ph_type : {'ac3', 'dc'} The phase type. Use 'ac3' for 3-phase alternating current and 'dc' for direct current. in_deg : bool Specify True if input phase angle is in degrees; False if angle is in radians. """ points = np.asarray(points) objs = [] for x1, x2 in zip(points[:-1], points[1:]): obj = cls( name=name, x1=x1, x2=x2, diameter=diameter, voltage=voltage, current=current, phase_angle=phase_angle, num_wires=num_wires, spacing=spacing, ph_type=ph_type, in_deg=in_deg ) objs.append(obj) return objs
[docs] def images(self): """ Returns the ground image end coordinates for the phase. """ r = np.array([1, 1, -1]) x1 = self.x1 * r x2 = self.x2 * r return x1, x2
[docs] def length(self): """ Returns the length of the segment. """ return np.linalg.norm(self.x1 - self.x2)
[docs] def magnetic_field(self, x, mu0): """ Returns the magnetic field vector due to the phase. Parameters ---------- x : array The point at which the field is calculated. mu0: float The magnetic permeability of the space. """ x = np.asarray(x) x1, x2 = self.x1, self.x2 l = self.length() d = np.linalg.norm(x - x1) d0 = - x, x2 - x1) / l c1 = d**2 - d0**2 c2 = l**2 + 2*l*d0 + d**2 if d == 0 or c1 == 0 or c2 <= 0: return np.zeros(3, dtype='complex') i = self.phasor_current() k = ((l + d0) / c2**0.5 - d0 / d) / c1 k *= mu0 / (4*pi*l) return i * k * np.cross(x2 - x1, x - x1)
def _potential_coeff(self, x, phase): """ Returns the potential coefficents between a point and phase. Parameters ---------- x : array The point for which the potential is calculated. phase : :class:`.Phase3D` The phase for which the calculation will be performed. """ b, e = phase.x1, phase.x2 bp, ep = phase.images() l = phase.length() d1 = np.linalg.norm(e - x) d2 = np.linalg.norm(b - x) if phase is self: r = 0.5 * self.equiv_diameter() d1 = (d1**2 + r**2)**0.5 d2 = (d2**2 + r**2)**0.5 dp1 = np.linalg.norm(ep - x) dp2 = np.linalg.norm(bp - x) c1 = np.log((d1 + d2 + l) / (d1 + d2 - l)) c2 = np.log((dp1 + dp2 - l) / (dp1 + dp2 + l)) ca = c1 * c2 cb = ((d1 - d2) - (dp1 - dp2)) / l cb += (c1 * (d1**2 - d2**2) - c2 * (dp1**2 - dp2**2)) / (2 * l**2) return ca, cb
[docs] def potential_coeff(self, phase, e0): """ Calculates the potential coefficients between the phase potential points and another phase segment. """ delta = self.x2 - self.x1 f = delta / 3 + self.x1 s = delta * (2/3) + self.x1 fa, fb = self._potential_coeff(f, phase) sa, sb = self._potential_coeff(s, phase) return np.array([[fa, fb], [sa, sb]]) / (4*pi*e0)