Source code for emf.analysis2d.analysis2d

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from math import pi
from ..base import _BaseEMFAnalysis
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors

__all__ = ['EMFAnalysis2D']

[docs]class EMFAnalysis2D(_BaseEMFAnalysis): """ A class for performing electric and magnetic field analysis of transmission lines. Parameters ---------- phases : list A list of :class:`.Phase2D`. mu0 : float The magnetic permeability of the space. e0 : float The electric permittivity of the space. """
[docs] def magnetic_field(self, x, y): """ Calculates the magnetic field vector caused by all phases. Parameters ---------- x, y : float The x and y coordinates at which the magnetic field will be calculated. """ mu0 = self.mu0 return sum(p.magnetic_field(x, y, mu0) for p in self.phases)
[docs] def net_magnetic_field(self, x, y): """ Calculates the resultant magnetic field caused by all phases. Parameters ---------- x, y : float The x and y coordinates at which the magnetic field will be calculated. """ f = self.magnetic_field(x, y) return np.linalg.norm(f)
[docs] def potential_coeffs(self): """ Returns the potential coefficient matrix of the phases. """ e0 = self.e0 phases = self.phases n = len(phases) p = np.zeros((n, n), dtype='float') for i, k in enumerate(phases): for j in range(i, n): l = phases[j] p[i, j] = p[j, i] = k.potential_coeff(l, e0) return p
[docs] def charges(self): """ Returns the charges of the phases. """ p = self.potential_coeffs() p = np.linalg.inv(p) v = [k.ph_to_gnd_voltage() for k in self.phases] return
[docs] def electric_field(self, x, y, qs=None): """ Returns the electric field vector at the given point. Parameters ---------- x, y : float The x and y coordinates of the point where the electric field will be calculated. qs : array An array of phase charges. If None, the charges will be calculated. """ if qs is None: qs = self.charges() else: qs = np.asarray(qs) qs = qs / (2*pi*self.e0) ph = np.array([(p.x, p.y) for p in self.phases]) xm = x - ph[:,0] xm2 = xm**2 a = xm2 + (ph[:,1] - y)**2 b = xm2 + (ph[:,1] + y)**2 ex = xm / a - xm / b ey = (y - ph[:,1]) / a - (y + ph[:,1]) / b ex =, ex) ey =, ey) e = np.array([ex, ey], dtype='complex') return e
[docs] def net_electric_field(self, x, y, qs=None): """ Returns the resultant electric field at the given point. Parameters ---------- x, y : float The x and y coordinates of the point where the electric field will be calculated. qs : array An array of phase charges. If None, the charges will be calculated. """ e = self.electric_field(x, y, qs) return np.linalg.norm(e)
[docs] def space_potential(self, x, y): """ Returns the space potential at the given point. Parameters ---------- x, y : float The x and y coordinates of the point where the space potential will be calculated. """ qs = self.charges() ph = np.array([(p.x, p.y) for p in self.phases]) dx2 = (ph[:,0] - x)**2 sk = dx2 + (ph[:,1] - y)**2 skp = dx2 + (ph[:,1] + y)**2 v =, np.log((sk / skp)**0.5)) return v / (2*pi*self.e0)
[docs] def net_space_potential(self, x, y): """ Returns the resultant space potential at the given point. Parameters ---------- x, y : float The x and y coordinates of the point where the space potential will be calculated. """ v = self.space_potential(x, y) return np.linalg.norm(v)
[docs] def plot_geometry(self): """ Plots the geometry of the analysis. Examples -------- .. plot:: ../examples/analysis2d/ :include-source: """ x = np.array([(p.x, p.y) for p in self.phases]) xlim = 1.2 * np.array([np.min(x[:,0]), np.max(x[:,0])]) ylim = 1.2 * np.array([0, np.max(x[:,1])]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, title='Phase Geometry', xlabel='X (m)', ylabel='Y (m)', xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, aspect='equal' ) ax.grid() ax.plot(x[:,0], x[:,1], 'ro') for p in self.phases: ax.text(p.x, p.y, return ax
[docs] def plot_elec_field_contours(self, xs, ys, cmap='jet'): """ Plots electric field contours. Parameters ---------- xs : array An array of x values to plot. ys : array An array of y values to plot. cmap : str The name of the color map to use. Examples -------- .. plot:: ../examples/analysis2d/ :include-source: """ fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, title='Electric Field (V/m)', xlabel='X (m)', ylabel='Y (m)', aspect='equal' ) qs = self.charges() p = np.array(np.meshgrid(xs, ys)).T p = p.reshape(-1, 2) f = np.array([self.net_electric_field(x, y, qs) for x, y in p]) mn, mx = np.min(f), np.max(f) levels = np.logspace(np.log10(mn), np.log10(mx), 20) labels = ['{:.0f}'.format(l) for l in levels[::2]] contour = ax.tricontourf(p[:,0], p[:,1], f, levels=levels, cmap=cmap, norm=colors.LogNorm(mn, mx) ) cbar = fig.colorbar(contour) return ax
[docs] def plot_space_potential_contours(self, xs, ys, cmap='jet'): """ Plots space potential contours. Parameters ---------- xs : array An array of x values to plot. ys : array An array of y values to plot. cmap : str The name of the color map to use. Examples -------- .. plot:: ../examples/analysis2d/ :include-source: """ fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, title='Space Potential (V)', xlabel='X (m)', ylabel='Y (m)', aspect='equal' ) p = np.array(np.meshgrid(xs, ys)).T p = p.reshape(-1, 2) f = np.array([self.net_space_potential(x, y) for x, y in p]) mn, mx = np.min(f), np.max(f) levels = np.linspace(mn, mx, 20) contour = ax.tricontourf(p[:,0], p[:,1], f, levels=levels, cmap=cmap ) fig.colorbar(contour) return ax
[docs] def plot_mag_field_contours(self, xs, ys, cmap='jet'): """ Plots magnetic field contours. Parameters ---------- xs : array An array of x values to plot. ys : array An array of y values to plot. cmap : str The name of the color map to use. Examples -------- .. plot:: ../examples/analysis2d/ :include-source: """ fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, title='Magnetic Field (mG)', xlabel='X (m)', ylabel='Y (m)', aspect='equal' ) p = np.array(np.meshgrid(xs, ys)).T p = p.reshape(-1, 2) f = np.array([self.net_magnetic_field(x, y) for x, y in p]) * 1e7 mn, mx = np.min(f), np.max(f) levels = np.logspace(np.log10(mn), np.log10(mx), 20) labels = ['{:.3g}'.format(l) for l in levels[::2]] contour = ax.tricontourf(p[:,0], p[:,1], f, levels=levels, cmap=cmap, norm=colors.LogNorm(mn, mx) ) cbar = fig.colorbar(contour) return ax
[docs] def plot_elec_field_profiles(self, xs, ys): """ Plots electric field profiles. Parameters ---------- xs : array An array of x values to plot. ys : array An array of y values to plot. Examples -------- .. plot:: ../examples/analysis2d/ :include-source: """ fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, title='Electric Field Profiles', xlim=(xs[0], xs[-1]), xlabel='X (m)', ylabel='Electric Field (V/m)' ) qs = self.charges() for y in ys: f = [self.net_electric_field(x, y, qs) for x in xs] label = 'y={} m'.format(y) ax.plot(xs, f, label=label) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.legend() ax.grid() return ax
[docs] def plot_space_potential_profiles(self, xs, ys): """ Plots space potential profiles. Parameters ---------- xs : array An array of x values to plot. ys : array An array of y values to plot. Examples -------- .. plot:: ../examples/analysis2d/ :include-source: """ fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, title='Space Potential Profiles', xlim=(xs[0], xs[-1]), xlabel='X (m)', ylabel='Space Potential (V)' ) for y in ys: f = [self.net_space_potential(x, y) for x in xs] label = 'y={} m'.format(y) ax.plot(xs, f, label=label) ax.legend() ax.grid() return ax
[docs] def plot_mag_field_profiles(self, xs, ys): """ Plots magnetic field profiles. Parameters ---------- xs : array An array of x values to plot. ys : array An array of y values to plot. Examples -------- .. plot:: ../examples/analysis2d/ :include-source: """ fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, title='Magnetic Field Profiles', xlim=(xs[0], xs[-1]), xlabel='X (m)', ylabel='Magnetic Field (mG)' ) for y in ys: f = np.array([self.net_magnetic_field(x, y) for x in xs]) * 1e7 label='y={} m'.format(y) ax.plot(xs, f, label=label) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.legend() ax.grid() return ax